Throughout the world, millions of golfers enjoy the sport of golf and millions more new golfers are playing the game for the very first time. As golfers continue to seek ways to improve their skills, increased flexibility has become an important component in golf preparation. Consistent stretching is a key element in many of today’s professional golfers workout regimens. In fact, a regular program of flexibility exercise can provide the following benefits–

Increased range of motion in the golf swing
Added control and hence, power
A relaxed mental state (crucial in the game of golf)
Reduced chances for injuries
Enhanced overall performance and physical conditioning

Golfing Flexibility Exercise Program


Flexibility Exercises
The following home stretches should be performed daily, while the pre-round stretches should be performed before teeing off or hitting practice balls on the driving range. Both stretching routines should take between 10-15 minutes to perform. Remember to hold each stretch for 30 seconds to one minute. Also remember to stretch both sides of the body, since the golf swing involves both sides of the body (bilateral movement). For best results, do the stretches in the order listed here, stretching the lower body first…..

Lower back stretch

This stretch will increase the flexibility in the lower back and improve a golfer’s ability to complete the rotation necessary in a good golf swing.

Pre-round stretch
Using the aid of a golf cart, slightly bend your knees and reach out to grab the side handle of the cart with both hands. With feet shoulder width apart and arms extended fully, stick your buttocks and hips back away from the cart, feeling the stretch in the lower part of the back. Repeat three times.

Home stretch
Lie on your back on a comfortable surface, preferably an exercise mat or cushioned floor. Using both hands, “hug” your knees up and into your chest while slowly lifting your head approximately 3-4 inches off the ground to meet the knees. Maintain this comfortable position and try to feel the lower back and hips relax and stretch. Repeat three times.

Lying Trunk Rotation

This stretch is for the hips, shoulders, and trunk rotators located in the lower back. These are areas that are crucial to maintain flexibility for a complete and full range-of-motion backswing and follow-through.

Pre-round stretch
Holding a golf club behind the neck and shoulders, position your feet about shoulder width apart with the knees slightly flexed. Slowly turn (rotate) your upper torso to one side as far as you can comfortably go. Repeat on the other side. You can also perform this stretch seated by grabbing the back of a fixed object, such as a tree or back of a chair. Repeat three times to each side.

Home stretch
Lie on your side on the floor with your legs pulled up to about 90 degrees to the body. Slowly turn your body away and down toward the floor, going as close to the floor with the opposite shoulder as possible. Repeat to the other side, three times to each side. Be patient with this stretch and over time you will be able to better press the shoulders down into the floor as your shoulder flexibility improves.

Chest stretch

The chest muscles help to guide the club down and through in the downswing, providing power along the way. Remember, a flexible chest adds to the all- important element of clubhead control.

Pre-round stretch
Standing or seated, maintain an erect posture in your upper torso area. Grasp both hands together behind your back and proceed to lift your arms upwards while rotating the elbows back. Remember to stick out your chest and inhale deeply to increase the stretch in the chest muscles. Repeat three times.
Home stretch – same as pre-round stretch.

Shoulder stretch

This stretch increases range of motion in the shoulders and rotator cuff areas of the upper back. This is an important area that can often suffer injury from a repeated golf swing.

Pre-round stretch
Reach across your body and grasp the back of your elbow with the opposite hand. Pull that arm across the body and under your chin. Repeat with the other arm. Perform three times.
Home stretch – same as pre-round stretch.

Neck Rotation

This stretch simulates the movements of the head and neck in a typical golf swing and helps to avoid injury from a tight, inflexible neck region.

Pre-round stretch
With the body facing straight forward, look as far as you can over your right shoulder and gently push against your chin with your left fingers. Repeat on the other side. Do three times to each side. Remember, don’t turn your shoulders as you do this stretch and you will receive maximum benefits in the neck rotator muscles.
Home stretch – same as pre-round stretch.

Forearm/wrist flexor and extensor stretch

The forearms, wrists, and finger muscles help control the accuracy of the club and clubhead during the swing and right down into impact with the golf ball. Flexible muscles in these areas improve control and increase a golfer’s ability to maintain accuracy throughout a golf round.

Forearm/wrist flexor Pre-round stretch
With your left hand holding the right-hand fingers, extend your right arm and hand straight out in front of your body at shoulder level. Bend the right wrist upward by pulling back gently on the straight fingers of the right hand. You should feel the stretch in the right forearm and wrist muscles (forearm and wrist flexor muscles). Repeat with the other hand. Do three times.
Forearm/wrist flexor Home stretch- same as pre-round stretch.

Forearm/wrist extensor Pre-round stretch
With your left hand holding the right-hand fingers, extend your right arm and hand straight out in front of you at shoulder level. Bend the right wrist downward by pulling back gently on the straight fingers of the right hand. You should feel this stretch in the top right forearm and wrist muscles (forearm and wrist extensor muscles). Repeat with the other hand. Do three times.
Forearm/wrist extensor Home stretch – same as pre-round stretch.

Research has proven that golfers who stay physically fit are better players. Perform these exercises faithfully — and get ready to play the best golf of your life! With a newfound dedication to taking better care of your body, your golf game will improve, as will your health and well-being!