An often overlooked element in the battle for energy and stamina on the golf course is good nutrition. A round of golf can be draining, both physically and mentally. It requires continuous energy to be consistent throughout the round, especially after the first nine holes. This is when your energy and endurance are put to the ultimate test, and the importance of sound nutritional principles takes center stage!

Many times a golfer can prepare themselves with hours of practice on the range, the putting green, or in the practice bunker. But, when it comes right down to playing at the next level — beating your playing partners or winning that tournament — it’s what you eat that can often make the difference between success or failure.

Knowing what types of foods to eat gives you the competitive edge. It’s this unseen advantage that sets you apart from the rest, powerfully impacting both your physical abilities, as well as your mental performance.

That’s what I mean when I say that good nutrition is your SECRET advantage. Being aware of the importance of sound eating habits as they relate to golfing performance is vitally important — whether you’re eating on the golf course, at home, or dining out.

Believe it or not, you can burn up a lot of calories playing golf (2,000 to as much as 3,500 a day if you are an active golfer). These calories need to be consumed properly before and during your play, following a few simple rules of good nutrition. These basic rules can make the difference between playing an average round and an exceptional one!

Rules of Good Golfing Nutrition:

1) Eat less fat
Fat calories can contribute to unwanted body fat, slow down your metabolism, and leave you feeling sluggish and unenergized. In your quest for energy and endurance on the golf course, this can spell disaster.
2) Don’t skip meals
Getting into the habit of eating smaller meals (every 3-4 hours) will increase your metabolism, thereby increasing your energy level. These meals should be composed of 60-65% carbohydrates, 15-20% protein, and 15-30% fat calories.
3) Read food labels
If you do this, you will begin to automatically know what foods are good and what foods to stay away from. Try to stick with foods that are high in complex carbohydrates and fiber and low in fat and sugar.
4) Drink plenty of WATER
Follow these suggestions for optimal performance:
1. Drink about eight 8-oz. glasses of water the day before you play.
2. About two hours before play, drink 16-20 oz.
3. 15-30 minutes before play, drink 6-16 oz.
4. During the round, drink 3-7 oz. of water every 15-20 minutes.
5. Drink it chilled for better absorption.

In conclusion, remember that better eating habits lead to improved performance on the golf course. Making the conscious effort to consume nutritious foods will help to keep your energy level high right through to the 18th hole!